Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nothing surprises me anymore!

Well let me tell you what happened. On Monday it was cold out for us Floridians,colder then normal. So anyway I told my girls ages 12,10,2 that they could have hot chocolate when we got home from school, while they did their homework .Yeah! Everyone is excited! These are moments my girls will remember when they get older.
So any way I gave my 2 year old her little cup of warm hot chocolate and marshmallows. Yay! There's nothing better. Well I started getting busy with dinner and feeding the dog and cleaning and on and on.... I forgot about my 2 year olds cup. I figured it would be in the sink with the others. I mean she absolutely likes to throw EVERYTHING in the sink. So why wouldn't the cup be there, right?! Well it's Wednesday morning now were getting ready for school and there's this awful stench in the kitchen. Can't figure out where it's coming from. Garbage? No it's half empty, no poopy diapers in there.Our dog have an accident? Nope. What in the world? My cinnamon candle is always on so I don't know.
Later on that day I start getting ready to make dinner and here comes my 2 year old to play with her play kitchen which is in our kitchen. So I'm watching her and what does she pull out of her little refrigerator? Um, her hot chocolate! Yes, she was trying to make it colder,so I guess she put it in her refrigerator!Hilarious. All I could do is laugh because she just does not surprise me any more. I mean if you think about it, she did put it in the fridge, it's just that her doesn't really work.:)
The smell that this little cup of milk and chocolate made ugh! Awful!She brought it up to me of course so she can show me."Look Mom, my hot chocolate".
So yes when you have children, nothing surprises you, after a while anyway!:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!!