A good way to save money these days is to simply borrow books from your local library. I know they have been around for a long time but I think that people had forgotten about the library because it was much more fun going to Barnes N' Noble. And I was one of those that was always at Barnes N' Noble. Not only looking for new books but to enjoy an EXPENSIVE cup of Starbucks! :) Those days are now gone, I have to be more frugal these days. I just simply brew my cup of coffee before I leave the house and bring it in a mug. With our economy in it's bad shape we have to scale back. The Barnes N' Noble days are now good memories.
The library is great though. Our local library doesn't offer snacks or coffee but you can find lots to rent. For example not only books but C.D.s, DVD's, and books on tape. They also have computers for you to use to go on the internet and computers for school work. It's great and it's all free!! Yes, these days you learn to appreciate that word. Not only is it free but you are not buying new and wasting which is good for the environment so you are basically recycling! Isn't that just great? See you have to think about these things!!
Go ahead and check out your local library you might enjoy it more then you think. Oh, and by the way they also have computer classes, story time for small children and crafts! How great is that!?
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