Monday, November 17, 2008


Brrrr! It's so cold today! Here in Florida I do have to say that we are so use to the warm or should I say hot weather that when this morning we got up it was a freezing temperature of 40's we were just freaking out!!! Um? Where's our coats,gloves,scarves? Anyone one know? We run around our house looking for these items that we never really use. We end up walking out the house looking like we're in Alaska!lol Hilarious, I do have to say. If any of my Michigander family saw us this way they would laugh hysterically! But think about it, we are always in shorts and flip flops, temps normally 80's on a cooler day, so today was a shock.
I know that in Michigan they already have snow!! What? Yes! Can't imagine.
So we head off this morning to drop my girls off at school, we get there and everyone is told to go inside and wait in the cafeteria. Yes, because of the freezing temperatures! I had to laugh because as a Michigander myself um, we had to wait outside with snow up to our knees and wait for the bell to ring. Yes, I remember being huddled outside of the school with my friends so we could keep each other warm and avoid the cold wind. Now that was cold. But here in Florida at my girls school they let them in!? Of course I feel for my girls and would like to protect them, but it's not even considered freezing temps at this point.So anyway I just had to share this because it's not only different for our kids these days but different down here in Florida. To all of my family in Michigan and all the northern people who read my blog, I FEEL FOR YOU!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm in Florida too and I'm CRYING about how cold it is. Luckily, we only have to go through this for a few days then it's back to high in the 70's. YAY!!