Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back from vacation!

Yay! I'm back from Christmas vacation!
We decided to go camping for Christmas break. My family and I camped at Yogi Bear in Waco,Georgia. The kids had alot of fun.They had bike carts. There was also a bounce house in the Ranger Station, and a movie and popcorn on most nights.Two big pools, one for the little kiddies,(too cold for now) two playgrounds and a Yogi Bear train.Yogi Bear even came out to meet the kids. Lots of fun! :D
It was a bit hard at times considering the weather was not on our side. We knew it was going to be colder because we live in warm Orlando,Florida and we were heading north, so the temps were going to be cooler. Well it sure was cooler! There were nights when we slept with our coats on,& double socks! Yeah, it was chilly. What made things worse was that it drizzled and rained. But overall it was an experience in itself.
Hope everyone had a great Holiday vacation! I'm excited to get back to baking! Yay! :D It's hard not being able to bake when you have so many ideas, it's hard to take a break! :(
I will be adding some new yummy organic baked goods, so check out my etsy page, let me know what you think. Ta Ta for now, mamabakesorganic!

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